Time with Mother Wong

Growing up, I dreaded family holidays. Father was a pilot and so we were lucky to enjoy privileged tickets every year. But I’d rather be in Singapore spending time with my friends and relishing in the almost-freedom I got when the ‘cats’ were away. 

In the last couple of years, I finally woke up. It was a long time coming but then I made it a point to go for a yearly trip with my folks. It was great fun and now those memories are irreplaceable. With Father’s sudden departure in early 2015, holidays were never the same again. I feel his absence and it is something I cannot talk about publicly. It is something I’ve learnt to compartmentalise. But we have to troop on.

This year, Mother came up to Korea (where Ki and I resided for two months) for (part one of) our annual trip together. We spent most parts of it in rainy Jeju, cruising around in our trusty Accent mobile, umbrella in tow and a lot of reckless shopping (not photographed for obvious reasons). 

Part two of our annual trip together starts in three days where we head to Scandinavia, with our bags full of winter clothes and lots more funny stories together for posterity. The space Father used to occupy is now left with a gaping hole, but like Modest Mouse sings, “we will all float on alright”.

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